Archive for the ‘Booker’ Category

Has Booker peaked….

Posted: February 4, 2014 in Booker, Portfolio

I am getting pretty nervous about Booker (BOK:LN).  And thinking about taking profits and moving on. I was just looking over the Booker data again showing revenues growing nicely since 2008/9, that is good. However, in the past year or so revenues have seemingly slowed, and subsequently EPS growth has fallen to 2.07%.  Yet inversely the P/E is now just over 20.

I know once Makro is properly on-stream revenues should start an upward path again. Surely though the P/E at this time, is scarily high.

Jury is out, but I could probably argue a case to myself that the time to sell is now , and utilise the profits riding on this share, elsewhere.  More thinking to do I think…

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